Junior High musicians participate in assessment

Last month, the Indiana Area Junior High School concert band of 7th and 8th graders participated in a Pennsylvania Music Educators Association (PMEA) Music Performance Assessment (MPA) at Penns Manor High School.


Among the goals of an MPA as stated by PMEA is “to provide quality educational opportunities for a soloist or a small, medium or large ensemble to receive a rating reflecting the performance level of prepared pieces (and sightreading, where applicable) as a ‘snapshot’ evaluation of how effectively the music curriculum has been implemented.”


This feedback provides powerful insights impacting learning and growth for students, the director, and the program as a whole. 


Zack Karcher, IJHS music teacher and band director was grateful for the opportunity to participate in the MPA. “I am looking for the ‘next level.’  How can we get better?  How can I be better?”  

Participating bands prepared two pieces of music to be performed for three judges, all of whom were college professors. The judges completed a rubric, left written comments, and also gave audio feedback.  

The bands also had the option to participate in a "sight reading" adjudication, which IJHS did. Sight reading is when a musician performs a piece of music without any prior practice. 

Karcher and the students were given a piece of music which they had never seen and had two minutes to study the music silently. Following that, Karcher was allowed three minutes to teach and highlight different aspects of the piece, and students were allowed to ask questions. No one was permitted to play during this time. After that, the piece was performed and scored. 

The IJHS musicians were proud and pleased to have received a superior score, but Karcher pointed out that the feedback given was what made the experience truly valuable. “Perhaps even more valuable than the rubrics and written comments are the audio feedback recordings that we received. The students and I went over some aspects of the results and also listened to portions of the audio feedback which are invaluable to the students’ and my growth.”

Karcher expressed gratitude to the Indiana Area School District administration and Board of School Directors for their support of the music program. “They play a large role in our ability to have the quality band program that we have at IJHS. The support we receive – from the way our schedule is designed to the financial commitment the District has made and continues to make – are a direct result of the work they all do to support our program.”


He is also quite proud of his students. “When we perform, I always tell them that I'm just waving my arms around to look funny; they are the ones making the music!”


Be sure to check out the district calendar for the list of upcoming spring concerts at not only the Indiana Area Junior High School but the other schools where IASD musicians are flourishing.