Child Accounting/PIMS » Child Accounting / PIMS

Child Accounting / PIMS

The Child Accounting Office ensures the accuracy of the District’s computerized student registration database and monitors student placement in other public schools, private schools, private institutions, and other educational facilities outside of the Indiana Area School District.

The attendance and membership data is collected and reported to the Pennsylvania Department of Education at the end of each school year through the Pennsylvania Information Management System (PIMS). The Pennsylvania Department of Education uses the membership data in the calculation of the district’s Basic Education, Special Education, Secondary Vocational Education Subsidy, Homebound Instruction, and Tuition for Orphan’s Allocation Subsidies. The membership data is also used in the calculation of the district’s tuition rate.
Under the Every Student Succeeds Act, the district is required to report attendance and membership data for each school. The attendance percentages are used as a measure of accountability of student performance.